Tag: Security

Total 6 Posts

Anything to do with cyber or information security. | Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

I fell for a phish

I have not, to my knowledge, fallen for any phishing attempts and have been very critical of anything I receive whether its on email, text, slack, WhatsApp etc. If I am asked to provide anything I generally question it. Well, that streak is now over...

Developers, its 2019, hash passwords accordingly

Photo by Tim Evans on Unsplash As a backend developer you will more than likely have to handle user logins and sign up at some point in time, if you haven't already, which means you will need to store the users' passwords...

We have created a political backdoor

Traditionally, backdoors are something you would only hear about when if you where talking about either buildings, cyber security, or basketball. But I would like show you how it also can be applied to politics...

A personal collection of resources

My personal collection of resources which I like or have been recommended to me. Hopefully you will find something useful! I am not affiliated with any providers, services or websites in this post, unless otherwise explicitly stated...